Friday, 10 August 2018

Long time, no SEO

Hello there,
I have not been diligent updating this blog as I am looking after other people's SEO most of the time. I have now a bit of time and would like to publish a short message. I know this blog is still visited and if you are worried about the gap in posting, don't because many of the principles I have explained are still relevant. Technical SEO might have moved on but content-based SEO still holds the same principle and content is still KING. 

The picture below really reflects my thinking. Look after all these elements and you are away... The main thing that has changed is that you now need to have a secure protocol, namely the https - get the info from the horse's mouth.

I am now looking after this website (doing a lot of news writing to keep it fresh) and setting up a digital strategy so it's SEO all the way and of course social media integration. On the home front I have bought the protocol for my own website as the 'not secure' message was bugging me. It's very hard to do SEO in a saturated market.

My thinking has changed as I now have an holistic view of it all. The website is your shop front but you need to get the punters in, which is not impossible through the social media channels, but it's closing the deal that is getting harder. I am trying to use video more but of course I have a small budget so it's down to people filming events for me, often coworkers as we cannot hire a film company. On the homefront I have tried shooting a video of myself but did not like it, I have to grow confidence in talking to the camera. I am a better writer so I will still focus on that and using good images. Creative Commons stock is quite good now and if it is not yielding the goods, I take my own photos.