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SEO is like a rollecoaster ride, everybody is on a steep learning curve. Expertise comes and goes at the beat of an algorithm |
Hello fellow surfer,
I wanted to call this
blog SEO 4 Stupid but had to bow to optimization rules and choose the search
friendly How to SEO. If, like me, you are an ex print journalist, you will get
my drift - the internet is not “puntastic” (certainly not in titles, crossheads
and image tagging, thank-you-very-much).
Web surfers search using
simple, plain words. If you are looking for a restaurant that serves good food,
you are more likely to use plain English (aka good restaurants in Milan), you are
not going to type “mouthwatering meals in Milan”, unless you are pretty weird
and like alliterations too much for your own good. But hang on, I did just that
and got a mixed bag with mouth watering and mouth-watering and mouthwatering
used all randomly (the subeditor in me curled up and died there). Predictably the
search “good restaurants in Milan” yielded better websites, so there you are, just
ignore those voices in your head and you will be fine.
Who runs How to SEO?
I'm an ex stupid (I
hope), ex digital dummy, ex technosaurus.... call me what you like. For byte
sake, I grew up using a typewriter, got my first PC at 29, started in
journalism when there was no internet... Yes we used encyclopedias and the humble phone
for fact-checking back then.
Basically I’m old
compared to many surfers, but not past it. I started dabbling online around the
time of the millennium bug (what happened to that, eh?) with a website hosted on the
old trusty Geocities (RIP) called London Cheapskate (RIP and Amen).
I became a blogger in 2005 and totally embraced digital in 2008. Why? Because I
was a print journalist, the recession came and I had to do something else. So in 2008 I designed my own
website altering a template. I spent
less than £40 on it but hours of toil to learn how to optimize it, though. I wrote an article about the process for an US site in
early 2011 (http://suite101.com/article/setting-up-a-website-on-a-budget-a339771).
A lot of things have changed SEOwise since then, but the basic advice still stands.
What are my credentials?
I’m self taught. I do have a degree but it has nothing to do with SEO (don’t
judge, the internet wasn’t there, at least not for public consumption). I could
say that I’m an alumni of the University of Google. I have found heaps of
useful free tutorials and learnt a lot in the past four years. I learnt on-the-job
too, having worked on digital marketing/advertising campaigns, run
blogs and written digital features for online publications.
So here is a public thankyou for all the generous techies who share
their expertise on the web. I learnt nearly everything I know from you. SEO is a fast moving, slippery to grasp, rollercoaster
ride, so you can say I’m still learning – whoever tells you they know
everything about SEO is lying. Nobody knows what will happen next, which social
media tools will grab surfers' fancy (Pinterest now and perhaps troubled
Yahoo’s Pipes later?), what piece of software will revolutionise web use – except
tech innovators, of course. Sadly I’m not one and, like the hamster, my wheel is
spinning faster to catch up.
Content is king, so what?
Finally! A marketing conference in London backed what all us
scribblers already knew, that good copy is crucial for SEO. All those link
builders and key stuffers got their fingers burnt when Google launched the
Panda and Penguin updates. I have no sympathy for content farms, people who
talk about SEO like it’s a dark art or self-styled SEO experts. How can you be
an expert of something that moves at such a fast pace! Not even Socrates
claimed he knew it all (being a classical Greek philosopher he was talking of
knowledge rather than the web). So I do hope those dodgy link builders are
being dodged and the key stuffers are getting stuffed.
Optimize to capitalise
So you have great content to offer your readers, what now? That’s
where this blog comes in, explaining what SEO is and what it can do for you. I
will share what I learnt and showcase really helpful articles (no mumbo jambo
here) that explain in plain words what SEO is all about. I have started on a
smaller scale on Twitter with my #TweetsforSEO, so follow @simonecas to nab
those if your attention span is limited to 140 characters. I will be
writing simple posts here but also throw in advanced stuff here and there. I
will signpost these with a DEEP END WARNING. So if you are just starting out as
a surfing SEOer, you can easily skip those hints till you are ready.
Disclaimer: Everybody is a SEO learner, myself included. I don’t know it all (my partner might disagree, but let’s
not have a domestic here). So please comment if I get the wrong end of the
stick and/or you have some great tips to share. If I had to tag myself, here
are my keywords: SEO copywriter, marketing copywriter, journalist, editor,
writer, newsletter designer. If you want to know more, visit
P.S. I hope you join in so I'm not talking to my monitor or, worse still, have another conversation with the voices in my head.
P.S. I hope you join in so I'm not talking to my monitor or, worse still, have another conversation with the voices in my head.
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